

We are the team of volunteers who develop several projects located in Ukraine and in France. You can read about what we are doing in this section.

Nous commençons un nouveau projet d'aide d'urgence en Ukraine
Au regard de la situation, nous nous engageons dans l'aide et l'approvisionnement de provisions pour les victimes de la guerre Chacun d'entre vous peut aider...
"The benefit of the photo" for children with disabilities
The "Blagophoto" ("The benefit of the photo") project has been working for 2 years now, since 2018. This is a charitable photo shooting project from...
Help and support elderly poor people
Cooperation with volunteers, and strong activities for the poor elderly and people living in geriatric boarding houses Project active since 2015
Master classes for disabled children
Charitable social development project since 2014 "Town of kindness" (Nikolaev) and "Friendship town" (Kiev) Project ideas and goals: Socialization of the city's children aged 2-12...
Mobile Pathfinder Program for children
Commonly this program runs for very poor children or for children with disabilities.  Program work this way: we come to orphanages and make program for...
Help Children with Leukaemia in Kiev
2019 we got free admission to hospitals for children with blood cancer! Irina is now a volunteer at a charity foundation in Kiev. It was...