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Conference Report
On February 28-29, 2024, the United Goals Association team took part in the organization of the international conference "Psychological techniques that help children - intended for psychosocial workers and parents in Europe". The conference was...

International conference "Psychological techniques for helping children - for use by psychosocial workers and parents in Europe"
International conference "Psychological techniques for helping children - for use by psychosocial workers and parents in Europe", which brings together Ukrainian and European experts in the field of psychological assistance to children. The...

An art therapy workshop for children.
Together with the French-Ukrainian association AFUCA, we managed to organise a masterclass on art therapy for children and children with disabilities in the city of Nice at a Ukrainian school. We thank Natalia Pihur, a representative of our...

Humanitarian Aid together with the organization Samoritan's Purse
A little feedback. Last week, our association, together with the organization Samoritan's Purse was devoted to trips to the surrounding villages near Snihurivka. The aid center in the village of Balovne also continues to operate, and the guys are...

Our association continues to provide regular aid to the villages of the Mykolaiv region
Our association continues to provide regular aid to the villages of the Mykolaiv region. In January, a humanitarian shipment of clothing, household goods, medicines, and food was delivered. Thank you for your support and help!

Humanitarian aid was sent to Nova Odesa and Bashtansky district
Medicine and parcels were given to 37 families. Also, some of the medicine was given to people with cancer. Thank you to everyone who helped with this collection of humanitarian aid!

People are supporting to Ukraine!!!
Thank you to our collegues from Happy Life Planet for the clothes very much! Roman for the donation amazing quantity of the baby food and Essel for the food for dogs!!! You are awesome!!! Everything would be delivered save and at the right places!!!

All the time our volunteers saving people in Nikolaev area Sergei and Natalia!!
We are doing our best, but we could not do it alone, our volunteers in Ukraine help us every day!!! You are our heroes! thank you so much!

Support of our children in Poltava!!
Doing our best for the children and their families to be alive and health! You could help them any time!!! And thank you if you already donated!

All the families in Ukraine need our support but some of them especially!
We want to say thank you for your sweet hearts and your readiness to help. Victoria with her family still need help but she is very grateful already to the People of France for their support.

Our amazing friend Yuliya makes donation for all her sold pictures and bags!!!
We are so happy that Yuliya is helping us creating her wonderfull pictures and desiners bags for everyone who is supporting Ukraine and making donation to our company buying her pieces! Thank you so much! Find more at...

All our medicaments are delivered to the right places!
As at the moment we have some people who are helping us all the time we could buy everything we need for the people who are still in Ukraine and they need exact medicaments. This support from your side is very important for us! Thank you for...

We are taking care about animals Thank you Veronika and Eugene
As you know already, we are trying to help as much as possible to everyone. Also animals are very important for us. Thank you to our friends From Aubagne Veronika and Eugene and Michail from Uman for your love to the animals.

Vitamins to our Children who need our protection more then other!
We are still getting photoes from our volonteer sharing vitamins we got last time from our friend Vicente. Have a look pls how they are happy. They need our special protection more then other.

UFF consulting company is helping us all the time!
Thank you so much Gaëlle Gras, Simon Deletraz et Alena Shchapotsina for everything you have done to support Ukrainian people in this difficult time. Everything was delivered safe at quickly with our drivers. You have big hearts.

« Association des Artistes » with Elisabeth Brainos and Nathalie Le Guillou thank you so much!!!!
We are so happy to get this amazing donations from « Association des Artistes ». From all Ukrainian people we would like to say thank you! We know that amazing people are between us and they open their heart to the other who need our help at...

Thank you 'Architecture et Gestion' with 'DCP Medical' in Cannes for the special medical equipment.
This special medical equipment for the special price just for us we got from Jean-Michel from DCP Medical in Cannes for the exellect donation from one incredible company Architecture et Gestion. From our friends in Ukraine we say you: THANK YOU...

Together with our friends from 'Antibes Solidarite Ukraine'
We are working all together for the Ukrainian people as they still need our help. Today we delivered a lot of cloths to our friends 'Antibes Solidarite Ukraine' in Notre D'âme a la Pinede in Juan les pins. Please visit them if you need some help...

« Association des Artistes » organized an auction with Elisabeth Brainos and Nathalie Le Guillou.
Dear All, we are so happy to informe you that it was wonderfull organization of an auction with Elisabeth Brainos On April 21 at « Hotel Miramar » in Cannes. This event show us that your hearts are full of peace and kindness. Thank you...

Vitamins for the children in Ukraine.
Thank you so much our friends, because of you the children of Ukraine have get their vitamins and at this period is very important to keep their health. It was bought from you donation.

« Association des Artistes » organize an auction of works of art donation for the benefit of Ukraine.
On April 21 at « Hotel Miramar » (La Croisette, Cannes, France), the « Association des Artistes » organize an auction of works of art donation for the benefit of Ukraine. https://www.artmundi.net/ More than 70 artists donated beautiful...

Thank you Elena Shchapotsina and her colleges of the company UFF!
We are sharing your help not only for private person but also and for the hospitals, thank you so much Elena Shchapotsina for your sweet heart and her colleges of the companies CSE_UFG and CSE_UFP for their open hearts!

Help for the animals in Ukraine pls!
This is Michail from Uman he is taking care about animals and he needs a lot of food as he is sharing with other clinics. We are trying to help him also, as you know there are a lot of animals have been left in Ukraine by their owners. If you...

We are working together with Antibes Solidarite Ukraine
Together with 'Antibes Solidarite Ukraine' we realized incredible delivery to Ukraine. Everything was shared for the people in victim. Together we are stronger. Thank you for your donations.

Vitamins for the children of Ukraine.
Today we got confirmation, that our Vitamins for the children in Ukraine already delivered. Everything was bought from your donations. Thank you that you are with us!

"Food-BOX" (box de nourriture) hebdomadaire
Depuis le premier jour nous travaillons sur le projet "Food-BOX hebdomadaire" (box de nourriture). Nous en avons déjà livré en Ukraine. Elle contient toute la nourriture nécessaire pour une personne pour une journée afin qu'elle reste en vie...

Des médicaments pour Poltava avec Veronika et Eugene
Nous ne pourrions pas apporter l'aide que nous apportons sans nos amis! Veronika et Eugene nous aident depuis les premiers jours de l'association et nous leur sommes tellement reconnaissant! Tous ces médicaments ont été récoltés depuis la...

Des médicaments vers Nikolaev grâce à notre ami Vicente
Croyez vous en la magie? Nous, à 100%. En effet, alors que nous avions reçu une lettre nous disant qu'un stock de médicaments venait d'être détruit et qu'il y avait un besoin urgent d'approvisionnement, nous avons reçu un appel d'une...

Donate with Yuliya Guérin to Ukraine
Un grand merci à notre talentueuse amie Yuliya Guérin , qui fait don de ses peintures aux personnes qui ont contribué à notre fondation caritative.

Médicaments dans les hôpitaux d'Ukraine
Nous souhaitons vous informer que les médicaments sont nécessaires non seulement pour les personnes mais aussi pour les hopitaux. Notre équipe ukrainienne de United Goals Association fait son maximum pour approvisionner également les...

Des enfants sauvés d'Ukraine vers la République Tchèque
Voici nos enfants sauvés d'Ukraine, amenés en République Tchèque. Ils ont eu la chance d'être secourus mais de nombreux autres enfants sont encore sous le feu de la guerre en Ukraine. Nous continuons à prendre soin d'eux et faisons de notre...

Les enfants de l'orphelinat de Kiev sont à Novograd aujourd'hui.
Nous voulons partager notre joie avec les personnes qui ont fait des dons à notre association. Aujourd'hui, à Novograd, les enfants de l'orphelinat de la ville de Kiev ont obtenu de l'AIDE. Merci de tous nos coeurs

Nous distribuons la nourriture aujourd'hui aux enfants Ukrainiens à ZHITOMIR
Nous sommes heureux de savoir que toute l'aide que nous récupérons va directement aux victimes. Aujourd'hui, c'est à ZHITOMIR, en Ukraine. La chose la plus importante pour une mère est son enfant. Nous vous sommes tellement reconnaissant,...

Nos volontaires Natasha et Sergey de Nikolaev
Nous ne sommes pas seuls! Nos volontaires Natasha et Sergey de Nikolaev sont indispensables et toujours prêt à aider! Merci! Vous êtes si forts! Nous prions pour vous!

Aide humanitaire pour l'Ukraine en guerre
Nous continuons à faire ce que nous avons fait durant cette année: collecter des fournitures en France et les envoyer en Ukraine par le biais de nos volontaires. Ils prennent soin de familles ayant des enfants handicapés, des orphelins, des...

Christmas event in orphanage 2020
This year we visited again orphanages - houses for children without parents. We organized nice Christmas event and gave gifts that were bought with donations.

Pfadfinder program 2020 results
In 2020, Alexander held 33 events for children. Participated from 3000 to 5000 children from poor families, children with disabilities, and adults. The events were held in the courtyards of disadvantaged areas in different cities,...

Collection and distribution of gifts for New Year and Christmas
In December 2019, like the previous two years, we did the collection and distribution of gifts for children with disabilities for the New Year and Christmas.

Art therapy for children with cerebral palsy
Art therapy took place on 11/08/2020. 4 families, children with cerebral palsy diagnoses took part. A creative masterclass aimed at building relationships between parents and children, developing creativity and socialization.

River Crossing and "The Microscope"
On 13. September we made crossings in the forest of Trikrat! We taught how to direct a river crossing and then we hold one of our projects "The Microscope". Two teams of children collected 30 micro samples in the...